A state-and-transition model of Iberian dehesas based on spatial patterns

  • Jesus Caballero Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica, Cáceres.
  • Ángel M. Felicísimo Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica, Cáceres.
  • Elia Quirós Rosado Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica, Cáceres.


Aim of study: In this study a process based on a Geographic Information System (GIS) is proposed as a tool for analyzing the spatial structure of the Mediterranean dehesa ecosystem.

Area of study: Western Peninsular Spain.

Material and methods: The method allows a semi-quantitative “state and transitions” (S&T) net that provides original information derived from spatial patterns that cannot be obtained by other means.

Main results: This GIS analysis also supplies a spatial basis which complements the conceptual framework of vegetation series successional proposals. Moreover, the proposed method can be a useful tool for understanding landscape changes.

Research highlights: Our work proposes not only a descriptive model but also a methodology based on spatial metrics and topological relationships.

Keywords: geographic information systems; successional net; landscape management.

Abbreviations used: S&T: State and Transition; RFP: Regional Forest Plan.


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Biografía del autor/a

Ángel M. Felicísimo, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica, Cáceres.
Profesor Titular del Departamento de Expresión Gráfica
Elia Quirós Rosado, Universidad de Extremadura, Escuela Politécnica, Cáceres.
Profesor Colaborador del departamento de Expresión Gráfica



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Cómo citar
Caballero, J., Felicísimo, Ángel M., & Quirós Rosado, E. (2015). A state-and-transition model of Iberian dehesas based on spatial patterns. Forest Systems, 24(2), eRC05. https://doi.org/10.5424/fs/2015242-06408