The Forest Map of Spain 1:200,000. Methodology and analysis of general results

  • J. Ruiz del Castillo y Navascues INIA (Madrid)
  • C. López Leiva Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid
  • J. I. García Viñas Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid
  • J. M. Villares Muyo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid
  • P. Tostado Rivera Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid
  • C. García Rodríguez Ministerio de Medio Ambiente
Keywords: vegetation, climate, structure, evolutionary level, dominant plant communities


First of all, the main descriptive elements of vegetation used in the Spanish Forest Map on scale 1:200,000 (MFE2C) are put forward. Secondly, this paper includes an explanation of how plant cover maps are a supplementary tool for forest inventories in order to evaluate the actual state of vegetation. As an example, there is a description of characteristics of the current Spanish vegetation regarding the 4 descriptive elements of MFE2C: large climatic domains, structure, evolution level and dominant plant communities.


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How to Cite
Ruiz del Castillo y Navascues, J., López Leiva, C., García Viñas, J. I., Villares Muyo, J. M., Tostado Rivera, P., & García Rodríguez, C. (2006). The Forest Map of Spain 1:200,000. Methodology and analysis of general results. Forest Systems, 15(S1), S24-S39.
Research Articles