Modelization of diameter distribution of Pinus pinea L. stands in Valladolid (Spain) using Weibull function

  • C. García Güemes
  • N. Cañadas CIFOR-INIA
  • G. Montero CIFOR-INIA
Keywords: diameter distribution, Weibull function, predictive models, Pinus pinea


Models for predicting parameter behaviour in the 2-parameter Weibull function in even-aged Pinus pinea stands of Valladolid (Spain) have been adjusted. From data out of 131 plots (20 trees per plot), real distribution parameters have been adjusted, using the percentile method, as well as non-linear regression. Next, predictive models of calculated parameters were adjusted, using stand variables. Parameter «b» is deeply related to mean cuadratic diameter (dg), while parameter «c», which was more difficult to model, is related to dg and other variable (Age or Canopy cover).


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Author Biography

C. García Güemes
Servicio Territorial de Medio Ambiente. Junta de Castilla y León
How to Cite
García Güemes, C., Cañadas, N., & Montero, G. (2002). Modelization of diameter distribution of Pinus pinea L. stands in Valladolid (Spain) using Weibull function. Forest Systems, 11(2), 263-282.
Research Articles