Aboveground productivity and nutrient dynamic in a reforestation of Pinus pinaster Ait. with different intensities thinning

  • G. Montero CIFOR-INIA
  • C. Ortega CIFOR-INIA
  • I. Cañellas CIFOR-INIA
  • A. Bachiller CIFOR-INIA
Keywords: Productivity, Thinning, Pinus pinaster, Aerea Biomass, Litterfall


Thinning of different intensity have been carried out on a Pinus pinaster plantation and results have been compared with that of a control treatment and one plot with the maximum biological density for this species and age. The experimental design consists of randomized blocks. Four inventories were made in summer in 1984, 1988, 1992 and 1996. With this information the volume, basal area and number of tree before thinning, thinning and after thinning were calculated. Standing biomass and mineral element concentration before thinning, biomass removed with thinning and standing biomass after thinning have been estimated trough inventories and subsequent determination of modular values (a sample with 100 trees). Litter fall represented by needles fall and dead branches has been measured as well as its evolution through the year on plots representing four different stand densities.


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How to Cite
Montero, G., Ortega, C., Cañellas, I., & Bachiller, A. (1999). Aboveground productivity and nutrient dynamic in a reforestation of Pinus pinaster Ait. with different intensities thinning. Forest Systems, 8(3), 175-206. https://doi.org/10.5424/637
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