Towards the measurement of forest multiple use welfare income

  • P. Campos Palacin CSIC
Keywords: Income, Welfare, Forest, Dehesa, Accounts, Market, Sustainable


This paper presents a new microeconomic account system methodology that it allows the measurement of the welfare income from the multiple use of forest. The paper discuss the conceptuals and applications differences between the normalized system of national account (SNA) and the agroforestry account system (AAS) proposed by the author with the objective of measuring the adjusted convetional value added origined in the forest. These differences are ilustrated with the SNA and AAS applications in a dehesa case study with corkoak and holm-oak in Monfragüe area (Cáceres), both commercial and environmental economic values are considered.


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How to Cite
Campos Palacin, P. (1999). Towards the measurement of forest multiple use welfare income. Forest Systems, 8(2), 407-422.
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