Effects of thinning on snow damage in Pinus sylvestris L.

  • M. del Rio CIFOR-INIA
  • G. Montero CIFOR-INIA
  • C. Ortega CIFOR-INIA
Keywords: Pinus sylvestris L., snow damage, thinning intensity


The extraordinary damage caused by snow on January 1996 in Scots pine stands in the Sistema Central (Central Spain) are analysed. Data from two thinning experiences carried out in 44 and 60 years old stands have been used. Damage was greater in the crown thinning and control treatment (no thinning plots), compared with low thinning plots. Results clearly show a decrease on snow damage with increasing low thinning intensity. The effects of low thinning on stand stability is related with the lower growing stock, the removal of smaller and suppresed trees, and the lower risk of damage of the remaining stand. The individual susceptibility to snow damage decreases with decreasing height-diameter ratio, increasing diameter, and increasing lenght of green crown.


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How to Cite
del Rio, M., Montero, G., & Ortega, C. (1997). Effects of thinning on snow damage in Pinus sylvestris L. Forest Systems, 6(1), 103-117. https://doi.org/10.5424/578
Research Articles