Experimental analysis of drying of sawdust in a spouted bed

  • R. M. Moreno Universidad Austral de Chile
  • M. A. Paredes Universidad Austral de Chile
  • J. A. Astudillo Universidad Austral de Chile
Keywords: Sawdust, drying, recycling, spouted bed, heat transfer


Forest activity in Chile has brought about an important amount of waste from the explotation and elaboration of wood, such as sawdust, chips, and barked splinters. This work aims at showing the results obtained through an analysis of drying of sawdust in a spouted bed. An experimental laboratory equipment was designed and built to analyse hydrodynamics, and heat and mass transfer process. The equipment was tested with sawdust of 2.78 x 10-3m particle average size and moisture between 117 and 147 p. 100, dry base and the operating parameters of the unit were obtained: height of the bed, air velocity, pressure drop of the bed, and time of drying. In addition, level of production, energy consumption, and heat performance of the process were determined.


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How to Cite
Moreno, R. M., Paredes, M. A., & Astudillo, J. A. (1994). Experimental analysis of drying of sawdust in a spouted bed. Forest Systems, 3(1), 57-68. https://doi.org/10.5424/520
Research Articles