Decline in holm oak coppices (Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.): biometric and physiological interpretations

  • Rafael Serrada Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales. Pza. Pablo Iglesias 1, 19001 Guadalajara
  • Valentín Gómez-Sanz Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ECOGESFOR. Dept. Sistemas y Recursos Naturales. Ciudad Universitaria s/n. 28040 Madrid
  • María J. Aroca Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ECOGESFOR. Dept. Sistemas y Recursos Naturales. Ciudad Universitaria s/n. 28040 Madrid
  • Javier Otero Servicio de Extinción de Incendios del Ayuntamiento de Guadalajara. C/ Dos de Mayo 1. 19004 Guadalajara
  • J. Alfredo Bravo-Fernández Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ECOGESFOR. Dept. Sistemas y Recursos Naturales. Ciudad Universitaria s/n. 28040 Madrid
  • Sonia Roig Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ECOGESFOR. Dept. Sistemas y Recursos Naturales. Ciudad Universitaria s/n. 28040 Madrid


Aim of the study: To analyse the decline in aged holm oak coppice forests as regards above-ground and below-ground fractions and physiological features.

Area of study: Centre of the Iberian Peninsula (Guadalajara province).

Material and methods: 26 pairs of holm oak stools with different vigour but with similar site and structural characteristics within each pair were selected. Morphological (basal area, number of stools, maximum height) and physiological traits (leaf water potential, stomatal conductance) of the standing stools were assessed. Their aerial and underground parts were extracted and different size fractions of both their above and below-ground biomass were quantified. Linear mixed models were built to test the effect of ’Stool vigour’ on the mean behaviour of the measured variables. Additionally, for the aerial part, linear regressions between the weights of the different size fractions and the basal area at breast height were performed using ‘Stool vigour’ as a fixed factor.

Main results: For the same site, root depth, and number and diameter of shoots than good vigour stools, poor vigour stools displayed: lower predawn water potential, greater leaf mass per unit of area; lower total leaf area; lower above-ground biomass (in total as well as per fractions); lower fine roots biomass; lower proportion of leaf biomass and a greater proportion of biomass of both all roots and those with diameter 2-7 cm.

Research highlights: The above-ground physiological and morphological characteristics of declined stools are interpreted as poorer adaptation to site conditions. Root system architecture was found to be relevant to explain this behaviour.


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How to Cite
Serrada, R., Gómez-Sanz, V., Aroca, M. J., Otero, J., Bravo-Fernández, J. A., & Roig, S. (2017). Decline in holm oak coppices (Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.): biometric and physiological interpretations. Forest Systems, 26(2), e06S.