Evaluation of physical and chemical soil properties under different management types in the south-western Colombian Andes


Aim of study: Evaluating the variability of physical and chemical soil properties under different soil uses in an experimental farmland of the southwestern Colombian Andes.

Area of study: This research was conducted at the Botana Experimental Farm in the mountainous area of Nariño, at the south-western Colombia.

Material and methods: nine soil variables were measured under six soil uses which included traditional agriculture, agroforestry systems, and a 67-year-old secondary forest that was used as a reference for comparisons with other soil uses. Data was analyzed through Principal Component Analysis and Duncan’s tests.

Main results: organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, clay contents and base saturation were the variables with higher variability among soil uses. The secondary forest and an agroforestry system with alley-cropped wax laurel showed the best soil conditions, whilst pastures and monoculture potato crop plots showed the least desirable conditions for all variables.

Research highlights: We found that soils under alley-crop with wax laurel presented the characteristics most similar to the secondary forest. Conversely, soils under alley-crop with alder resembled the soils under intensive management (pasture and potato monocrop); which is related to the inadequate management of this agroforestry systems, provoking that the woody component does not accomplish its goal when implemented.

Keywords: soil; agroforestry systems; Andes; forest.

Abbreviations used: ACAL, Alley cropping of Alder Trees, ACWL; Alley cropping of Wax Laurel; AFS, agroforestry systems; AWC, available water capacity; BD, Bulk Density; BS, Base saturation; CEC, Cation Exchange Capacity; CLA, Clay; CI, Confidence Intervals, INF, Infiltration; ANOVA, Analysis of Variance; OC, Soil Organic Carbon;  PAST, Pasture; PCA, Principal Component Analysis; PC, Principal Component; POCR, Potato Crop; POR, Soil Porosity; SCAL, Scattered Alder Trees; SEFO, Secondary Forest; SU, soil uses; AU, Animal unit.


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Author Biographies

Daniel A. Molina-Cuaichar, Escuela de posgrados, Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Universidad de Chile, La Pintana, Santiago.
Agroforestry Engineer, Master degree student of Soil and Water Managment in University of Chile.
Angélica S. Moreno-Muñoz, Facultad de Ingeniería y Administración, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Palmira, Palmira.
Agroforestry Engineer, Master degree student of Environmental Engineering in National University of Colombia.
Ivan F. Benavides-Martinez, Institute of Pacific Studies, National University of Colombia, Tumaco headquarters.
Biologist, PhD in Ecology and Evolution
Jorge F. Navia-Estrada, Grupo de Investigación Agroforestería y Recursos Naturales ARENA, Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, Universidad de Nariño – Ciudad Universitaria Torobajo, Pasto.
Agricultural engineer, M.Sc., Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences.
Jairo H. Mosquera-Guerrero, Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, Universidad de Nariño – Ciudad Universitaria Torobajo, Pasto.
Agricultural engineer, M.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences, PhD candidate in Agricultural Sciences.


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How to Cite
Molina-Cuaichar, D. A., Moreno-Muñoz, A. S., Benavides-Martinez, I. F., Navia-Estrada, J. F., & Mosquera-Guerrero, J. H. (2021). Evaluation of physical and chemical soil properties under different management types in the south-western Colombian Andes. Forest Systems, 30(2), e005. https://doi.org/10.5424/fs/2021302-17408
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