Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold subsp. calabrica (Poir.) of the Fallistro Biogenetic Natural Reserve: state of “Giant pines” stand after 40 years of observations


Aim of study: (1) to assess structural parameters of Giant pines; (2) to compare three several inventories and relative parameters; (3) to assess mechanical stability of Giant pines.

Area of study: Sila National Park, Calabria, Italy.

Material and methods: Mechanical stability assessment and full dendrometric analysis were used.

Main results: 40 years after the first measurements on the Giant pines, the most emblematic trees of the population confirmed the peculiar ecological characteristics of Calabrian pines: their posture, rapidity of growth, productivity and longevity. The pine forest containing 46 healthy monumental trees. The Ht/DBH ratio slightly decreased from first to last inventory. The decrease of the Ht/DBH ratio correspond to the increase of mechanical stability of trees.

Research highlights: the importance of preserving the Fallistro Biogenetic Natural Reserve as a source of biodiversity and to maintain the high ecological stability that characterize this important Italian forest area.

Keywords: Old-growth forest; Biodiversity conservation; Sustainable forestry; Calabrian pine; Forest ecology; deadwood.


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How to Cite
Bernardini, V., Avolio, S., & Plutino, M. (2020). Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold subsp. calabrica (Poir.) of the Fallistro Biogenetic Natural Reserve: state of “Giant pines” stand after 40 years of observations. Forest Systems, 29(2), eRC01.
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